Chapter 15.10
15.10.040 Standards and requirements.
15.10.060 Procedure for approval.
15.10.010 Purpose.
The city council finds that the use of travel trailers and/or recreational vehicles as temporary dwelling units is necessary, and temporarily hooking such travel trailers and/or recreational vehicles to city water and sewer services will avoid health and safety hazards, as well as alleviate the financial hardship on persons building dwelling units or remodeling existing dwelling units, as long as certain regulations are met regarding the location, use, and maintenance of such travel trailers and/or recreational vehicles. (Ord. 761 § 2 (part), 2018)
15.10.020 Definitions.
The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this chapter:
“Recreational vehicle” means a vehicle:
1. Built on a single chassis;
2 Four hundred fifty (450) square feet or less measured at the largest horizontal projection;
3. Designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a vehicle;
4. Designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as a temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel or seasonal use.
“Travel trailer” means a building or vehicle which is portable or which was originally designed to be portable and which was constructed to permit occupancy or dwelling or sleeping purposes. (Ord. 761 § 2 (part), 2018)
15.10.030 Use allowed.
A person or persons may use a travel trailer and/or a recreational vehicle as a temporary dwelling unit within the limits of the city of Pateros; provided, that the standards and requirements under Section 15.10.040 are met. (Ord. 761 § 2 (part), 2018)
15.10.040 Standards and requirements.
The following standards and requirements shall apply to the use of any travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle as a temporary dwelling unit within the limits of the city of Pateros:
A. Site Conditions. Conditions of the soil, drainage, and topography must not create hazards to the travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle or health or safety of its occupants. The site shall not be exposed to unpredictable and/or sudden flooding or erosion which would expose persons or property to hazards, and such travel trailers and/or recreational vehicles placed on the site shall meet the requirements of Section 15.16.260.
B. Building Permit. A prerequisite to the placement and/or use of the travel trailer and/or a recreational vehicle shall be that the owner has acquired and paid for a building permit for the residential dwelling unit and/or remodel of an existing residential dwelling unit upon the property.
C. City Utilities. A further prerequisite to the placement and/or use of a travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle as a temporary dwelling unit shall be that the owner has applied for and is hooked up to city water and sewer utilities, and will be receiving garbage collection services at such location.
D. Vehicular Circulation. The placement of travel trailers and/or recreational vehicles upon the owner’s property shall be designed so as to assure adequate site distances for vehicles and to permit the necessary flow of traffic by such property.
E. Setbacks. Travel trailers and/or recreational vehicles shall be located within the owner’s property maintaining setback areas required for a dwelling unit in the zone in which the travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle is located.
(Ord. 761 § 2 (part), 2018)
15.10.050 Prohibited use.
No travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle shall be used as a temporary dwelling unit under this chapter for a period extending beyond twelve (12) months from the date of commencement of use. For purposes of this section, “commencement of use” shall mean the date in which the travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle has been placed upon the site and complied with the standards and requirements set forth in Section 15.10.040. (Ord. 761 § 2 (part), 2018)
15.10.060 Procedure for approval.
The city of Pateros shall be responsible for review and approval of the standards and requirements necessary for the placement and/or use of a travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle as provided in this chapter. An owner seeking approval of such placement and use shall submit an application to the city of Pateros containing the following information:
A. The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant;
B. Location, address, and legal description of the proposed site;
C. A drawing or schematic showing the location of the travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle upon the site, including the area and dimensions of the entire parcel of property and the setback distances from the property lines.
The application and associated information shall be reviewed by the city of Pateros, and approval may be granted by the city of Pateros contingent upon meeting the standards and requirements contained in Section 15.10.040. (Ord. 761 § 2 (part), 2018)
15.10.070 Violation—Penalty.
The use or occupancy of a travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle as a temporary dwelling unit within the limits of the city of Pateros, except in compliance with this chapter, shall be deemed to be a civil infraction, punishable by a civil penalty not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each day of occurrence of such violation. Each day or part of a day in violation shall constitute a separate offense.
Alternatively, or in addition to prosecution, the city of Pateros may commence an action at law or in equity, to include injunctive relief against a violator, in the superior court of Okanogan County. In the event the city of Pateros prevails in any such action, it shall be entitled to an award of its reasonable attorney’s fees and costs in bringing such action. (Ord. 761 § 2 (part), 2018)

The Pateros Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 788, passed July 19, 2021.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Pateros Municipal Code. Users should contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
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City Telephone: (509) 923-2571